Episode 133 | The Benefits of LinkedIn Premium Business



Hey Work Wives, this is Sam from Quincy, Washington, and I, this is so dumb. I know that like LinkedIn already has a page about this, but I thought I'd ask you anyway. What are the benefits of LinkedIn Premium? Should I be paying for that? What is it, and do I need it?



LinkedIn Premium Business. Do you need it? Probably. Do you want to read a comparison chart from LinkedIn about it? No. Would you rather listen to the Work Wives banter about it? Duh.


Got a question for Ask Your Work Wife?

Record your question and email us the recording. Include your name, your city if you want, and whatever context might be helpful for us to know. And don’t forget to start with β€œHey, Work Wives!”


Episode 134 | Go Ahead, Discuss Your Pay


Episode 132 | "Woah There, Nellie!" (Keep All Your Interviews on Track)