Want even more out of corporate America?

Work with us.

Ask Your Work Wife logo over a badass woman in a power suit

Live Events

Aaaand we’re live! Imagine the podcast, only with live resume workshopping, LinkedIn roasts, and networking with ambitious women in your city. Sign up to be in the know about our travel schedule.


Ask Your Work Wife logo over image of ambitious women leveling up through continuous education

It’s time to sprint. Give us 6 weeks and we’ll give you in-depth knowledge on the 6 most core principles governing the Ask Your Work Wife way. We offer these small group courses twice yearly, so sign up to find out when the next one begins.

1:1 Coaching

Ask Your Work Wife logo over two modern elevators rising up the side of a building

You’ve listened to the podcast. You’ve taken notes and leveled up. But now it’s time for highly personalized input from your favorite Work Wives. We only take on new clients once a year, so join the waitlist now.


Ask Your Work Wife logo over two luxurious cups of coffee at sunrise

Work is only 25% of your life. Or it should be. Our retreats are where we take a step back from corporate America and dig deep to define what you really want, what drives you, and how to build three moves to accomplish your ultimate goals. Are you ready?